Friday, January 9, 2009

Israel Invades Gaza - Ron Paul Responds

Here are statements of Ron Paul concerning Israel invasion to Gaza:

  • The idea for “preventive war” is spreading
  • We should be on neither side; that conflict has been going on for a long time
  • Even though Israel invades Gaza, we - the US - will be blamed for this
  • Palestinians are confined to a “concentration camp” and are no match for Israel
  • The Middle East is a powder keg
  • We’re involved in too many wars and are going bankrupt
  • 2009 will see inflation and a rapid deterioration of the dollar
  • We’re spending too much money, borrowing too much money, and printing too much money
  • Escalation in Gaza and Afghanistan means big trouble at the world stage and at home
  • The attack on our personal liberties continues
Perhaps he is the most unique, or even the wisest man in House Representatives, compared to his colleagues there. But as happen before, there are much more lawmakers supporting Israel than their own country in House Of Representatives and Senate. Even if US is going bankrupt, in their mind, Israel is going first, as always.

Why can’t this man become President of United States? Shouldn’t the wise become the ruler? Like a concept laid by Plato in Greek era. Well, Plato also suggested the hole in democracy. The ruler – in democracy – will not always chosen – by public – because essential things. Non-essentials factors tend to affect people more, like rhetorical skill, genealogy, etc. Shame, shame on us, the human being.

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