Thursday, August 13, 2009

Converting Cassettes to MP3

Do you own any cassette tapes? Do you want to convert cassettes to MP3 or other audio files? Most of the old songs were recorded in cassettes. I still remember that there were stacks of cassettes in my home when I was in primary school. Now, I hardly see it again when digitally recorded songs are distributed using CDs or even copied and pirated. Moreover, it is difficult to find any cassettes player sold in electronic stores today.

Here I presented a few tricks if you want to re-record those songs in cassettes to be MP3 or any other formats. It is such a waste if we dump those cassettes without preserving its contents.

First, prepare those things:

  • Cassette player with earphone out.
  • Male to male audio cable.
  • PCApplication (software) to record audio (You can choose JetAudio, Audacity, or others)
First connect cassettes player to Line-In slot in PC Souncard. Be careful to mild electric shock if that player has metal chasing. When both of them are on and the player is playing a cassette, you should be able to hear the song from speaker connected to PC Souncard. Set to the best sound as certain as possible.

After that, run your recording application and go to recording mode. Play the player to play cassette from the very beginning and press record button in your application simultaneously. It would be better if you record one side of the cassettes continuously and then cut it per song. It takes less work to do those applications I mention above have ability to cut audio files.

These steps are easy, but perhaps you will need some times to get used to them. It is not considered as piracy if you re-record them for your own use, so just enjoy!

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Louie said...

this post is funny and interesting as well ^^

Anonymous said...

It seem like a simple trick a primary school student can try ...


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