Saturday, August 7, 2010

Mountain and city bike

This is a picture of a mountain bike, specially built for off road cycling. Its design makes riders able to concentrate better during riding on mountainous terrain. I am used to ride this type of bicycle to go to school and college. It, surely, has advantage when I took a bad terrain shortcut, but a problem arises when riding it in ordinary road. More problems arise if our bike have problems on gear, chain, brakes, etc.

Because an off road bicycle like this requires rider to slightly bend down gripping handlebar, I feel slight lower back pain after ride. This won't last long but it is disturbing enough. I also feel that I pulled my breath faster every-time I ride an off road bicycle. This is normal in mountainous terrain but we don't need that much energy to ride bike around neighborhood and town.

So, if we just need to ride around town, what we need is a city bike like this one. Riders can hold handlebar with straighten up position and ride. This reduces possibility of lower back pain and spends less energy. Personally I like bicycle more to drive around town than any motorized vehicle.

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