Saturday, November 29, 2008

Michael Moore's Statement about File Sharing and Piracy

I got this statement from the famous filmmaker who specialize himself in directing documentary films, Michael Moore. He is one of my favorite filmmakers. In this video, he stated his opinion about file sharing and piracy. It is unusual for opinion from a filmmaker, but I just say his stance is great.

Here he quote, “I don’t agree with copyrights laws and I don’t have a problem with people downloading the movie and sharing it with people, …” Then he said, as long as people do not try to make a profit from his labor, it is OK for people to share it. Just like when you lend a DVD you bought to a friend. He also said that it is his belief that information, arts, and ideas should be shared.

Well I found some of his movies in YouTube, Sicko, not just a trailer but the complete movie. I haven’t checked yet but it is said that The anti-Moore site MooreWatch posted a link to a BitTorrent file containing a version of the movie, Fahrenheit 9/11, taped at a cinema. May be there are files in Rapidshare too.

One thing I see is the more popular a movie, book, etc., the more it will be pirated. Well I see there are thousands of complete series manga scanned and distributed via web, just days after published. There are non public domain books too. Almost all of MP3s in web is product of piracy. May be publishers should try to make advantages from this problem, how to make piracy as free advertisement. Is it possible? Just try it first.

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